Our Customer Service

Building Trust and Confidence

Building trust and confidence with our clients is at the heart of everything that we do.

Vision Asset Finance was founded on the quality of our products, services and communications. We aim to treat customers fairly every time we are in contact and promise: –

  • Honesty and transparency
  • Fast, high-quality execution
  • Competitive pricing
  • Excellent customer service

We provide our services with the utmost care and attention to the needs of our clients.

We are regulated by The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), and follow its Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) initiative, which complements our own approach to doing business.

This is now described in more detail as follows: –

Highly competent and well-trained staff

  • We train all staff to meet our exacting standards and provide top up training on a quarterly basis to keep them up-to-date with new procedures and regulations.
  • Each member of our team will communicate all information clearly and accurately. Clients will be kept up to date before, during and after the facility is transacted.
  • Any advice provided will be suitable and serves the customers circumstances.

Products and Services

  • Our products are designed to meet the needs of our clients, there are no hidden charges and our pricing will be both fair and competitive.


  • All marketing will be in plain English free from jargon and targeted appropriately.

Systems and Procedures

  • We operate a bespoke IT system that provides accurate and fast information so our customers queries can be answered swiftly and precisely.
  • We review our operating procedures on a monthly basis to ensure our high standards are continually maintained.

After Sales Service

  • Once a financial facility is in place, we will be available to help with questions and queries. We will provide settlement figures and annual statements on request. Any complaints will be dealt with quickly, accurately.

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